Boom Beach Wiki
Boom Beach Wiki

Granite Face



Base Statistics

  • Total Buildings: 16
  • Total Energy Available from Buildings: 45
  • Total Energy Available from Non-defensive Buildings: 18
  • Destroying a building will reduce the HQ's health by 4.667%


Recommended Army Composition: Warriors

Walkthrough: Deploy your Warriors on the left side of the beach and Flare them to the Sniper Towers. Shock the Flamethrower if your Warriors enter its range. Once all the Sniper Towers are taken down, Flare your Warriors to the left Mortar and eventually, the HQ. By then there should not be much to stop your Warriors.

Alternate Strategy

Recommended Army Composition: Tanks or Heavy-Zooka

Walkthrough: Destroy as many Sniper Towers as possible with Barrages and Artillery. Deploy your troops on the left side of the beach. Allow them to destroy the remaining Sniper Towers. Use a Flare to avoid the Cannons, if necessary. The Mortar and Headquarters should be taken out easily.
